Garden Work Party at Gateway

On a beautiful Saturday, Feb 22, 8 of us gathered 16 bags of green waste and 2 large bags of trash and recyclables.  Come join us in the festivities and breathe the beautiful fresh air.  Spoiler alert:  We saw two lovely spotted towhees very busily pecking for seeds! Quite a thrill!  

Garden News!

We resume our bi monthly weeding and beautification at the Gateway garden and demonstration pavilion. Old Tunnel Road and Caldecott the second and fourth Saturdays of the month! For January, the dates are January 11th and 25th. We have tools, gloves, and green waste bags and water! Bring your thermos. Do you come join us, […]

Successful UC Berkeley Project Day, Gateway Garden, Nov.2,2024

Another very successful day, clearing out overgrown and crowded plants around the olive trees. We also cleaned out weeds along the granite “rivers”. We collected 39 bags of green debris! A big thank you to Andrea Gordon, Realtor and Star Grocery for providing lunch snacks drinks, and goodies! Thank you too, to our shuttle drivers: […]


The North Hills Community Association (NHCA) has accomplished much in the last few months. With your support, Measure MM, Oakland’s Wildfire Prevention Zone, passed with over 70% approval in the November election. NHCA Board member Elizabeth Stage was the key leader in this resounding win. With its enactment, Oakland has secured funding to manage vegetation […]

Mulch party at Gateway with Chevron

A group of 10 from Chevron +4 from NHCA had a successful mulch party at Gateway on Thursday, September 25. Fred Booker got mulch from Peter Rudy Big chief tree. The worker bees spread it around three sides of the pavilion so it is now in compliance with 10 feet of clearance from the structure. […]

Successful weed-a-thon on Aug 10th

We gathered over 15 bags of weedy stuff: NHCA Board members David Kessler, Nancy Mueller, Anna Sarukhsnov and Fred Booker along with 6 other neighbors helped out too! JOIN US next time!! Weed-a-thon every 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 9-11 am at Gateway  

Recap: Weed-a-thon clean up!! July 13.

We had a great turnout of 12 eager volunteers and had a blast! We filled up over 25 bags of green waste. Our dear Lia Turk is the last picture of the series! Thanks to board members, David, Fred, Brian, Anna, and Nancy, who came out. Next Weed-a-thon event: Saturday, July 27, 9 to 11 […]

Weed-a-thon! Saturday July 13, 9-11am!

Howdy North Hills Folks! We need to roll up our sleeves for Gateway Exhibit Center beautification! Come join fellow weeders this coming Saturday, July 13, 9am-11am at the Gateway Exhibition Garden, Tunnel Road and Caldecott Lane, just above Hwy 13. Weather should be fine, not too hot. Water is plentiful but bring a water bottle, […]