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Read: Long-time Resident Remembers by Don Jacobus
Don Jacobus, Fire Survivor Long-time Resident Remembers My family had lived on Vicente Road since early 30’s. There were half the number of homes as there are today. There were roads above this area, perhaps built by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) which had provided jobs and education to young men after WWI, but I […]
Scouts Complete Stair Repair
Scouts Complete Repair of 62 Steps at Gateway Fire Resistant Demonstration Garden Mason Chen, an Eagle Scout candidate from Piedmont Boy Scouts Troop 15, led a major effort over the spring and summer to replace a number of deteriorated steps in the garden. He and his team added Trex decking boards to the top of […]
A collection of remnants from Brenda Reinertson
A year after the fire I entered the CCA as a student. One of my fellow students had made a series of small figures that inspired me to incorporate them with melted glass and wood found after the fire representing how we all felt adrift and in search of a place to land after losing […]
First person narrative of fighting the fire on Alvarado By Robert Mueller
First person narrative of fighting the fire on Alvarado. NOTE: NHCA does not condone staying behind in a wildfire–45 min audio file North Hills Association · Community Comeback story – First person narrative of fighting the fire on Alvarado You can use this map to follow Roberts movements during his 48 hours inside the Firestorm […]
Fighting the Fire, While Knowing that You’ve Lost Your Home by Mark Hoffmann, Oakland Fire Fighter and Fire Survivor
Read: Fighting the Fire, while Knowing that You’ve Lost Your Home by Mark Hoffmann, Oakland Fire Fighter and Fire Survivor
Remnants from Barbara Silverberg
This tall metal bird (3.5 feet) was on my wooden deck prior to the fire. Surprisingly it did not totally melt however it could no longer stand since the metal legs were twisted from the heat. A friend of mine took the bird on a long ride to a metal worker friend living in Hat […]
Darrell Hunger art inspired by the firestorm
This was the first sculpture I made after the destruction of my home. When I first encountered the remains of my house I found on top of the pile of ash two intact ceramic goblets fused to a portion of glass. This seemed to be a miracle that these did not break since there was […]
Scouts Install Edging Along Firestorm Memorial Garden Sidewalk
Over the past few weeks, scouts from Piedmont Boy Scouts Troop 15 helped Eagle Scout candidate Nathan Catalano install Trex edging along the sidewalk on Hiller to retain the soil from the Firestorm Memorial Garden. As part of his project, Nate had to measure sections to determine how much Trex was needed. Using donated Trex […]