Please view the Q&A document here 1. The full Wildfire Prevention Zone legislative package, including the map, are posted here See three documents labelled “Supplemental.” 2.The Vegetation Management Plan can be found here
Please view the Q&A document here 1. The full Wildfire Prevention Zone legislative package, including the map, are posted here See three documents labelled “Supplemental.” 2.The Vegetation Management Plan can be found here
Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Management Unit Adam Ball, Fire Inspection Supervisor with Oakland’s Vegetation Management Unit, explains the process for the annual wildfire vegetation inspections for 2023 and 2024 that take place in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Oakland, California.
Read the May issue of the Oakland Fire Department Newsletter here!
This East Bay Times article suggests “One of the best ways to prevent loss due to urban wildfire for people in the East Bay who own homes or properties is low-tech, requires minimal physical exertion and is entirely free: Getting to know your neighbors.” Read or listen to the full article here!
Adam Ball, Fire Inspection Supervisor with Oakland’s Vegetation Management Unit, explains the process for the annual wildfire vegetation inspections for 2023 that take place in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Oakland, California, starting in early June.
WP article: How sensors could help catch wildfires before they spread Pilot Program in Oakland Looks to Help Detect Wildfires Before They Become Threats – NBC Bay Area
Stay up to date and prepared with our updated Wildfire Safety Resources!
Useful Links for Information Compliance Standards for Vegetation Inspections https://www.oaklandca.gov/topics/compliance-standards-for-vegetation-inspections Vegetation Management Inspections Frequently Asked Questions https://cao-94612.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/VegWebsiteFAQs-2021.pdf To find the tentative or scheduled date for the inspection of your property: https://aca-prod.accela.com/OAKLAND/Default.aspx Wildfire District Inspections When private property inspections are over, people should call Fire Inspection Supervisor Adam Ball to report possible infractions. His number is […]
NPR’s Scott Simon speaks with Amy Bach, executive director of United Policyholders, about the thousands of homeowners in California at risk of losing insurance as the risk of wildfires grow.
Here you can input your address or parcel number and find out if an inspection has been done and if you passed. Oakland Online Permit Center
City Administrator Ed Reiskin announced the selection of Reginald D. Freeman to serve as the next Fire Chief for the City of Oakland. This became effective May 17, 2021. Mr. Freeman most recently has served as the Fire Chief for the City of Hartford, Connecticut since 2016. He will take over for Deputy Chief Melinda […]
Advocacy letter addressing senator Nancy Skinner, dated March 8 2021
North Hills Community Association Quarterly Public Safety Meeting. When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 @ 7 p.m. Where: Montclair First Presbyterian Church 5701 Thornhill Drive, Oakland This will not be about PG&E! This will be about helping ourselves, our community, our neighbors! Did we have any OPD issues during the Power Outages? OPD crime report […]
When: Saturday, November 30, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Where: Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit Center & Garden (Tunnel Rd & Hiller Dr) What: Weeding, Planting & Mulching – Rain or Shine! Please RSVP: hillaryconlon@gmail.com Please join us for a fun family volunteer opportunity in our community! Wear closed toed shoes and clothes you don’t […]
The new draft Vegetation Management Plan for Oakland has just been made public. The draft plan (42K KB) can be downloaded at this link, which can be found on this page: https://oaklandvegmanagement.org/ There will be a meeting on November 20th regarding the Environmental Impact Report, see below for more information: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN […]
Vincet Crudele, Supervisor of OFD’s Vegetation Management Program gave the following video presentation. It contains useful information and is worth watching. Please follow the link below. The High Fire Severity Zone Map for the City of Oakland:
Oakland Firesafe Council – a local 501(c) (3) nonprofit providing wildfire prevention tips and outreach to Oakland residents living in the wildland urban interface of the Oakland Hills. Specific information on landscaping in the fire zone, what do to on Red Flag Days and more. http://www.oaklandfiresafecouncil.org Diablo Firesafe Council – a regional 501(c) (3) nonprofit providing wildfire […]
A presentation and Study by UC Berkeley Students under the Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Berkeley was made- an excellent job they did! (The Blum Center addresses local economic and social inequities in UC Berkeley’s own backyard -which includes Oakland). As part of the student’s presentation on solutions these students the following presentations […]
Important Information
Extreme weather events driven by climate change are causing unprecedented and unanticipated wildfires. Our Community Wildfire Safety Program will help reduce wildfire threats and strengthen our communities for the future. PG&E’s San Ramon Regional Workshop on September 13, 2018 covered many topics. PG&E Community Wildfire Safety Program-San Ramon Workshop