The North Hills Community Association (NHCA) is a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization located in the North Hills region of Oakland, California. The NHCA's all-volunteer board organizes programs and activities that support the NHCA's three-pronged mission of improving public safety, maintaining and beautifying community gardens and open spaces, and advocating on behalf of area owners and residents with local city and county governments and agencies. Click on the tiles below to read more about each of the NHCA's programs.

Public Safety

Your NHCA Board seeks to better protect and inform you by working with Oakland Fire & Police Departments, and City of Oakland Officials.

Gardens & Community

Your North Hills Community has adopted Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit and Firestorm Memorial Gardens.


Your NHCA Board is advocating for City, County and State awareness and focusing on issues enhancing our areas' livability.

News & Notes

Meeting with Oakland Auditor and NCPC, feb 17

We had planned on this being an informational recording.  Unfortunately the location had wifi issues.  We started the meeting a little late (10 min) while techs were trying to connect through “Hot Spots”.  Eventually there was a connection but the recording missed the first minutes. A large part of the meeting has no sound, but […]

Meet the Oakland Auditor(s) Saturday, February 17, 2024.

Meet the Oakland Auditor(s) Saturday, February 17, 2024. North Hills Community Association will be trying something new.  Our quarterly Neighborhood Council Meeting (NCPC) will be held on a Saturday from 2pm-4pm Montclair Presbyterian Church, Family Room 5701 Thornhill This Saturday daytime meeting will hopefully make attendance more convenient. This meeting will share what Oakland auditors […]


Everyone who lives in the area bounded by Ashby/Highway13, Claremont Blvd., GrizzlyPeak/Skyline, and Thornhill is a member of NHCA. Membership is free, but we depend on your support and participation so that we can cover our expenses (mostly for communication, a little for plants), work on issues that are important to everyone, and represent the community’s views when we interact with city officials.



This is the new map of City of Oakland Council Districts. NHCA is part of District 4 now, an all hill district

WELCOME: Thank you for visiting our new website!