Oakland Firesafe Council – a local 501(c) (3) nonprofit providing wildfire prevention tips and outreach to Oakland residents living in the wildland urban interface of the Oakland Hills. Specific information on landscaping in the fire zone, what do to on Red Flag Days and more.

Diablo Firesafe Council – a regional 501(c) (3) nonprofit providing wildfire prevention information, planning and grants to residents of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. DFSC offers up to $5,000 grants to private property owners working with neighbors on tree removal and other vegetation management projects.

Oakland Wildfire Prevention Assessment District (WPAD) – In 2004, the City of Oakland established the WPAD to raise funds for vegetation management on city-owned properties in the wildland urban interface of the Oakland Hills. The site provides information on the City’s defensible space requirements and other important information for residents in the fire-prone Oakland Hills. Private properties are inspected annually by the Oakland Fire Department to ensure that owners are complying with the defensible space requirements. Note that as property owners in the North Hills, we are responsible for maintaining defensible space 365 days a year.

Oakland’s Defensible Space Requirements

For questions or to report a concern: (510) 238-7388

CalFire – The website for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection provides updates on the latest wildfires, fire prevention codes and a list of tips and resources for homeowners.

Other Useful Links:

Oakland Firesafe Council (OFSC)

Posted in Resources, Fire Prevention.