Chevron’s Bay Area Fall Volunteer Campaign – Day 2 – Wednesday, September 27

Another dynamic day from our friends from Chevron Corporation! On Wednesday, September 27, this group hailed from the Richmond refinery, some after already putting in time at the ‘office’. Another thirteen of us met again at the Gateway Garden and Pavilion and got to work! This time we split up into three groups and tackled various projects, i.e., securing the nails in the main pavilion, eradicating unwanted berry bushes and vines, tackling the larger growing Johnson Grass under the hard-to-reach Pavilion, and continuing with general deadheading and clearing out dead debris. All volunteers worked very hard at the garden, and many even had to go back to work!

With the two current volunteer days from Chevron alone, they collectively contributed almost 80 hoursof physical labor in the Gateway Garden addressing general maintenance, safety and beautification of the garden.

Gateway is looking great after Year 2 of the garden plan! We could not do it without our community partners.

Thank you, Chevron for loaning us your loyal employees, and we appreciate your continued support of our neighborhood gem.

Vicki Oliveira
Garden and Events Chair
North Hills Community Association

Posted in Gardens & Community.