Chevron’s Bay Area Fall Volunteer Garden Campaign – Day 1 – Tuesday. September 26

The North Hills Community Association hosted a volunteer garden day on Tuesday, September 26, with a group from Chevron Corporation in San Ramon, many of which were returning volunteers. The morning started out with light rain, but that didn’t deter the group. Fifteen members from Chevron’s Corporate Headquarters arrived ready and willing to tackle continued garden maintenance at the Gateway Garden and Pavilion.

There are always plenty of different projects to do in the garden, so we broke up into four groups. At this time of year mulching is in order, and with the help of Chevron, we were able to spread a full truckload of mulch that was donated by Big Chief Tree Service. This mulching effort will help to minimize weed growth, retain soil moisture, and add much needed nutrients to the garden. Another group worked on tackling the persistent Johnson Grass, another cleaned out the garden pathways, and yet another worked on deadheading (the process of removing old growth and seed heads, which helps to promote new growth and re-flowering).

We have had the good fortune of working with Chevron in the past and appreciate their true grit and enthusiasm. It’s hard work and there were no complaints from anyone. We had a very productive day! Thank you Chevron!

Vicki Oliveira
Garden and Events Chair
North Hills Community Association

Posted in Gardens & Community.