Upcoming events with League of Women Voters of Oakland

The North Hills Community Association has partnered with the League of Women Voters of Oakland to invite our residents to their three candidate forums. For each of these events, you can pose your own questions to candidates. The events are: Sep 27, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM PDT: Candidate Forum: Oakland Unified School District 4 Virtual Zoom Webinar Click here to […]

What is the Regional Vegetation Mgmt. Joint Powers Agency?

This is the most recent result of North Hills working with other area groups to move toward a safer living environment. In response to the long term drought and growing risk of wildfires caused by climate change, the Oakland City Council passed a resolution authored by Councilmember Dan Kalb and Council President Pro Tempore Sheng Thao authorizing the City of […]

Getting Back to Work and Fun this Fall

As we venture out again after months of hunkering down during Covid, watching the news of infections among fully vaccinated individuals, please take note of these upcoming events that the North Hills Community Association board is planning to strengthen our North Hills community.  Please share with neighbors and other friends who don’t subscribe to our […]

Goats in the Hills

Goats in the Hills Living in the Oakland hills we have become used to seeing the goat herds on the hillsides during springtime, ‘mowing down’ the grasses and weeds, which are a big part to management the vegetation in hard to reach hillsides for fire prevention.  We interviewed two of the goat herders, Alberto, and […]

Fourth Bore Coalition (FBC) Overview/Status

Overview In 2005, NHCA joined a coalition of neighborhood groups that worked to ensure construction of the Caldecott Tunnel’s fourth bore was done with the least negative impact and with appropriate mitigations and improvements that are socially, economically, and environmentally beneficial for the entire community. Caltrans opened the new bore to traffic in November 2013 […]

City Attorney Candidates Respond to NHCA Questions

On September 26, the North Hills Community Association sent several questions to candidates for  Oakland City Attorney. We are sharing their responses to help inform the public on candidates’ positions. Dear City Attorney candidates: We know you are very busy and that ballots will be arriving in people’s mailboxes during the week of October 5.  […]

Public Safety Meeting “Power Outages: Lessons Learned”

North Hills Community Association Quarterly Public Safety Meeting. When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 @ 7 p.m. Where: Montclair First Presbyterian Church 5701 Thornhill Drive, Oakland This will not be about PG&E!   This will be about helping ourselves, our community, our neighbors! Did we have any OPD issues during the Power Outages?  OPD crime report […]

Garden Volunteer Work Day

When:  Saturday, November 30, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Where: Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit Center & Garden (Tunnel Rd & Hiller Dr) What: Weeding, Planting & Mulching – Rain or Shine! Please RSVP: hillaryconlon@gmail.com Please join us for a fun family volunteer opportunity in our community! Wear closed toed shoes and clothes you don’t […]

Code Compliance: How to file a complaint

Blight, Dumping, Construction Site and Contractor Problems The City of Oakland’s ‘crime and grime’ efforts have put a priority on responding to complaints and tips about illegal dumping, blight, abandoned construction sites or contractors operating unsafely or illegally. Here is the number to call: For construction site blight (trash or debris at a private property […]

City of Oakland Public Works Committee Meeting April 23

Paving Plan for Oakland Item # 7 on Publc Works Agenda Subject: 3Y Paving Plan From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation; 1) A Resolution Establishing A Three Year Prioritization Plan For The City Of Oakland’s Complete Streets Paving Program (2019-2021); And FOLLOW LINK BELOW FOR INFORMATION https://oakland.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3918652&GUID=B4EE83A0-2417-4AAB-8DD8-42AF195DEAA8&Options=&Search=

City of Oakland Public Works Committee Meeting February 28, 2019

7 p.m.  Montclair Presbyterian Church, 5701 Thornhill Drive, Oakland Quarterly Crime Report – the OPD will discuss the current quarter crime statistics. Mental Health on the Streets: OPD Officer James Garcia will speak about the OPD’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT), what they do and why. Fire Insurance challenges: United Policyholders Sandy Watts will speak about fire insurance issues and […]

Claremont Hotel Plans

As a public service, NHCA is providing links to resources and articles around the proposed expansion and development plans for the Claremont Hotel.  Click on any of the items below. NEWS REPORTS  Project as submitted to the City of Oakland Socketsite.com article from November 30, 2016 Berkeley Daily Planet from July 1, 2016 WEBSITES Neighbors […]

Alta Bates Summit Hospital Closing

Links to information about the planned closure of Alta Bates Hospital City of Berkeley assessment of the proposed closure of Alta Bates SF Chronicle article describing planned closure Website of opponents of planned closure