The data attached represents MACRO’s efforts in the pilot’s two impact zones, while operating during a day shift (0700-1500 // 7AM-3PM) seven days a week. MACRO Responder crews have been doing “on-view” engagements/interventions with a focus on wellness checks, sleepers, and behavioral health concerns. The purpose of “on-view” engagement is to identify a potential call before it becomes a call to emergency services.

MACRO is currently working toward the intended operational goals by adding a swing shift (1500-2300) and beginning dispatch through the fire dispatch center. Once these operational goals are met we will begin targeted promotion of how to access MACRO within the pilot impact areas.

We recognize that it’s not just about the simple number of people MACRO is serving, its about the outcomes that come from those interventions. As we continue to report out on this program, we will also be sharing outcome data and information on the results of these contacts.
Additionally, we are excited to share the names and short bios of the MACRO Advisory Board (below). The volunteer board held its first meeting on April 26 and it was attended by Fire Chief Reginald Freeman and the leadership team of MACRO. 
Jackie Anderson  

Lifelong resident of Oakland, Jackie has extensive experience as a Wellness Manager, Workforce Development Expert / Lifelong Trainer, Coach & Community Advocate. Most recently, she managed two Wellness Centers for Bonita House Inc. Casa Ubuntu, “East” Oakland, CA and Berkeley Wellness Center, Berkeley, CA. In this capacity, she oversaw the program’s workflow and day-to-day programming, overseeing interdisciplinary teams under the supervision of the Clinical Services Director to coordinate the intake, assessment and plan development process for the (CQRT) Clinical Quality Review Team to ensure proper documentation and authorization of services for consumers.

Amanda Brown 

Program Manager at Roots Community Health Center. Passionate about serving diverse populations and empowering the underprivileged to educate themselves and their community in order to make lasting change in their lives.  Y’Anad Burrell (MPA/MHA)  

CEO of Youth UpRising in East Oakland, CA where the mission is to develop the leadership of youth and young adults and improving the systems that impact them.  Y’Anad is also the Founder of iHealth Innovation, a company whose mission is to develop and implement strategies that improve the health and wellness of diverse local and global communities through technology, innovation, collaboration, advocacy and the arts. 

Millie Cleveland 

An East Oakland resident for over 40 years who helped develop and train students in the first student run conflict resolution program in the Oakland High Schools.  She later served as the Project Director for the West Oakland Violence Prevention Project which included conflict resolution programs in four Oakland High Schools and three Middle Schools, a parent advocacy program, and a mentoring program for students at Prescott Elementary School under the direction of the West Oakland Mental Health Center. 

Kathy Dwyer 

Has spent almost her entire adult life in Oakland and raising three children here.  My work and volunteer activities are varied as could be, but the last 20 years, he non-profit work dedicated to work has been focused on trying to help find justice for the underserved, formerly incarcerated, refugees and currently the unhoused.

Drew Glover 

Founding Partner of business consultancy Fiat Growth and General Partner at the fintech venture capital firm Fiat Ventures. Drew is a District 6 Oakland native and sits on the board of his late father’s (David Glover) non-profit community center, The David E. Glover Education and Technology Center. 

Keisha Henderson 

3rd generation Oaklander with 11 years of experience working with adults and children with developmental delay and mental health issues. Former task force member of the Reimaging Public Safety board, Presently a member of NAACP Oakland, Healthy Havens Court Group, Alameda County Foster Parent Association. 

Rachel Kirkwood 

Project manager at an editorial agency in Oakland. Previously worked as a digital organizer at CURYJ out of Fruitvale. 

Julia Owens 

An East Bay native who worked as an EMT in Alameda County before pursuing an education in clinical psychology. Her Master’s research focused on reducing the negative impact of racial bias in the police force by, in part, reforming the officer recruitment protocols. 

Nicholas Peraino 

Lead Researcher for SEIU Local 1021 which represents over 2000 civilian employees in Oakland in almost every department. Helped draft the legislation that created the MACRO program and helped create several of the the job descriptions for the positions in the program.

Steve Weiss 

Regional Managing Attorney at Bay Area Legal Aid, where he oversees their Social Security and SSI disability law practice. He previously worked as a Staff Attorney at Bay Area Legal Aid and at the Homeless Action Center, and is a resident of Oakland.

Michael Hunt
Chief of Staff, Oakland Fire Department

Macro Impact Report

Posted in Public Safety.