Inaugural Bentley School Volunteer Garden Day – Firestorm Memorial Garden Sept 26th

If you have been following the ongoing work-in-progress highlighting a string of garden event posts this season (over the past 6-months), you’ll know that we have just finished the Gateway Garden ’22 program in September. We recently had a mulching event that covered the entire garden in preparation for Winter, and are now focused on doing the same at our sister Firestorm Memorial Garden, with a completion date targeted for one month later or by the end of October so . . .

Bentley School gardeners to the rescue!

We are very excited to partner with Bentley School for the first time to help with the Firestorm Memorial Garden maintenance plan. On the afternoon of September 26th, Vicki & Dan welcomed Ryan Nepomuceno and his 12 students for our inaugural event at the Memorial Garden. Dan reviewed the history of the garden, the newly developed maintenance plan/site map and the teams’ detailing or weeding objectives for the day in Zones 1A, 2A/B and 3. The plan was designed to help get ready for the garden mulching in a couple of weeks.

The students not only weeded those three designated zones, but also were able to address Zones 4 and 5. Big Volunteer Day – lots of progress, learning’s, comradery as well as beautiful weather! The students were very energetic and were interested in learning more about various gardening tools and plants, trees and weeds, as well as learning more about what the garden stood for.

We are very appreciative of the effort of the students and the interest of Bentley School and their next-door neighbor, the Firestorm Memorial Garden. It is a great cooperative start, and we look forward to many more Bentley School Garden Days.

Please stop by the Firestorm Memorial Garden and you will appreciate how lovely it looks after this season’s community efforts. It’s a beautiful, quiet garden to visit and enjoy next to Bentley School at 1 Hiller Drive.

Dan Conolly & Vicki Oliveira

NHCA Garden Committee Garden Co-Chairs

Posted in Gardens & Community.