A year after the fire I entered the CCA as a student. One of my fellow students had made a series of small figures that inspired me to incorporate them with melted glass and wood found after the fire representing how we all felt adrift and in search of a place to land after losing our homes. I painted the background and made the frame.
The metal Buddha survived and was joined by the large glob of melted glass and other remnants of the house. I find it to be peaceful, a juxtaposition of the chaos they survived. Wood was found later.

I found one of my favorite earrings (could not find the other) and incorporated it in one picture with acrylic paint and glue.
Piece of melted glass from home, epoxied onto a painted sky representing dreams.

After the fire, the charred and melted bits I retrieved from the ashes on my property were carried around in a bucket for years. Then several years ago I decided to be creative and used the pieces to make three-dimensional art pieces. I am not sure what part of my house they were from. I found one of my favorite earrings (could not find the other) and incorporated it in one picture. Pieces of glass from the windows and glassware made up the boat 3D sculpture.