About Us

As a large city (413,000+) with a wide variety of challenges and constant reductions in budgets including that of our police department, it has become necessary for Oaklanders to be more informed and proactive in safety issues. The City of Oakland has adopted the Community Policing model to help residents and police work to enhance public safety in our city. Part of this model includes the formation of 53 Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils (NCPC) throughout the City. The Public Safety Committee of NHCA is the NCPC for Beat 13Y, located in Police Area 2. Our annual membership meeting is in March. Our Board meets regularly on the third Monday of the month.  Meeting locations and times will be confirmed each month on the Announcements community board (see below) and on this website in the events section.

NHCA Bylaws

NHCA Bylaws 2015-2016               Download

Board Members 2024-2025

The following are members and officers of the NHCA board Elected by the membership of NHCA.

David Kessler, Chair
Fred Booker, 1st  Vice Chair, Board Member, Chair of the Garden Committee
Miki Chan, 2nd Vice Chair, Chair of Public safety
Donna Karch, Treasurer
Nancy Mueller and Donna Karch, Secretary
Elizabeth Stage, Board Member, Chair of the Advocacy Committee
Brian McCrodan, Board Member
Cornelia Grimes, Board Member